
does not enter root dir on startup

Martinits opened this issue · 5 comments

It's not working on startup, I have to :Rooter manually but I didn't set the manual config item (default to false). I remove all other plugins and it's still not working. I added some prints into the function rooter and it indeed changes to the correct root dir. Is there any debug method that I can figure out who changes the root dir after this plugin?

And there's a strange thing that although pwd isn't changed to the root dir, when writing files, it will write to the correct root dir.

are you lazy loading the module? for example i personally lazy load the module like this using packer:

use {
    event = 'CursorMoved',
    config = function()
        require('nvim-rooter').setup {
            rooter_patterns = { '.git', '.hg', '.svn' },
            trigger_patterns = { '*' },
            manual = false,

so the plugin only loads when the cursor is moved.

I didn't. It's just

    use {
        config = function()
            require('nvim-rooter').setup {
              rooter_patterns = {

is :pwd printing the correct root dir? and how did you determine that it is not automatically changing to the root dir?

Oh, it gets back to normal suddenly. I guess maybe I made some mistakes on the configurarion. Thanks for your reply.