
Made some Noto-compatible Todhri

Closed this issue · 11 comments

  • Metrically compatible with Noto
  • Made in Inkscape + FontForge
  • One weight
  • Fully working, but method of hanging double macron is different from Noto LGC
  • Letters R and RR are doubtful (printed sources use glyphs that wildly vary from handwritten)
  • Because of doubtful letters, only default hangouts are made, no kerning


Very cool. Wanna contribute it?

Yes, it’s completely free, but I’ll need help.

  1. Those letters R and RR — how to draw them? R is drawn by printed sources, and RR by handwritten. Need more research work, RR is rare. E.g. B is attested with both connected and diverging ends, and when I tried to write it quickly, its ends tend to diverge, that’s why I drew it in such a fashion.
  2. There will always be troubles converting from one format to another.

(2) is easy, I've got good tooling for converting Fontforge to Glyphs/UFO now.

Which curves are better: quad or cubic?

Normally we use cubic for source, quad for binary.

Converted to cubic, deleted unneeded glyphs leaving only good — in the night I’ll clean up tables. What’s next?
UPD. Cleaned up tables.

Started Ol Onal, but IDK when I’ve done. I made Todhri approx. in 2 weeks, Ol Onal will be in 1+mo.

Just four Onao letters for now.

Did thirteen letters for now and took this placard as a main base, but I still doubt: Eastern fonts often have thick HORIZONTAL stems.

Decision made, switching to inverse contrast!
UPD2. Twelve letters are remade to inverse contrast.

UPD4. Two signs and ten digits remain.

Made Ol Onal almost completely, but stuck on digits now. I wanted to make them metrically compatible with normal Noto, but if something fails, I’ll be forced to redraw outlines rather than fix bearings.