utox doesn't inform the user if sent messages have been acknowledged.
TrakTxx opened this issue · 4 comments
It is possible to send a text message to a user that appears online but actually isn't. From the point of view of the sender, the message was correctly sent, but the recipient never received it.
If user B goes offline, but still appears online to user A, user A can send a message to B and the utox GUI of the sender will look as if the message was correctly sent although B didn't receive it.
So, the GUI needs to inform the sender whether the messages have been acknowledged by the recipient, or not.
Keep sent messages in a queue. If after xx seconds a message hasn't been acknowledged, inform the user?
@TrakTxx commented on 15 Oct 2015, 07:33 GMT+2:
Keep sent messages in a queue. If after xx seconds a message hasn't been acknowledged, inform the user?
Toxcore have a friend_read_receipt callback. Would use it.
old repo, and debatable issue