more lua function bullshit
yumm-dev opened this issue · 2 comments
What feature do you want to get added on the base engine?
More LUA functions and variables. For example:
makeLuaCharacter(tag, character json name, x, y, flipX)
Creates a character in the current instance of PlayState.
Adds and removes the Lua character, respectively.
setCharacterType(tag, charType)
Lua equivalent of PlayState.instance.chartype.push(tag).
CharType is between boyfriends, gfs and dads.
Just add stuff for making new characters without source code. It's a lot easier than making a replica of character.hx in lua.
To test your sight, and reliability, please select the option of what should NOT be requested.
6K+ support.
It is actually possible to have multiple characters for songs with the use of objects, the coding is not that difficult at all and I use it in my mod Stardust Charts
Find the custom Lua events with 'Add' at the start of the name and the custom Lua notes that aren't 'other' or 'other-alt' and read through the code to understand what to do
I get that, and while the coding is simple, it isn't accurate. This would also make it even simpler, and I don't believe it should be that hard to implement, but correct me if I'm wrong. Blantados already seems to have implemented this into his BETADCIU engine with FunkinLua, so I don't see why we can't add it too,