
Problem posting links to fanpage

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I try to post a link to fanpage using:

page.feed!(link: '')

method, and I get the following error:

#<FbGraph::InvalidRequest: GraphMethodException :: Unsupported post request.>

Now here's the thing - the link is actually posted to the fanpage.
Everything worked fine two weeks ago. Posting a message (for example) to fanpage still works as expected (tested in console).
I suppose it happens due to some changes in Graph API. Can you look at this issue and fix it?

moved to fb_graph2 issues

nov commented

I couldn't reproduce your error..
For this kind of issues, asking FB developer support is better.

Solved here: nov/fb_graph2#13
The app wasn't live and that was causing the problem.
Thanks and sorry for the problem!