Nimbus JOSE+JWT IV additional character being ignored
bharatshivram opened this issue · 4 comments
I am using Nimbus JOSE+JWT library. If we add ONE extra character to the BASE64URL encoded IV and try decoding the same using it yields the same result. The last additional character is being ignored.
`String encodedValue = "e_DQ6gm5gGsGfWnh";
// encodedValue = "e_DQ6gm5gGsGfWnha"
Base64URL encodedIV = new Base64URL(encodedValue);
byte[] out = encodedIV.decode();
// The trailing 'h' does not make a difference to the decoded value
what’s your issue?
The issue is why is the trailing character being ignored?
I see from the code comments that the implementation Specifically ignores the invalid characters like whitespaces, new lines. Just wanted to know why such a decision was taken to make the API lenient
Why you are asking it to me?
I'm not Nimbus JOSE developer.