
Add cache helpers

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Add code below to Mercurius template generator to create cache.go file within lib/utils folder

package utils

import (

	"<mercurius' project package name>/lib/context"

PutIntoCache puts a value at system's cache
func PutIntoCache(key string, value interface{}) {
	s := fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", (time.Hour * 48).Seconds())
	timeout, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)

	err := PutIntoCacheWithTimeout(key, timeout, value)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("[PutIntoCache] Erro ao incluir no cache: [%s]. Key: [%s] - Value: [%v]\n", err.Error(), key, value)
	log.Printf("[PutIntoCache] Cache inputed. Key: [%s] - Value: [%v]\n", key, value)

PutIntoCache puts a value at system's cache
func PutIntoCacheWithTimeout(key string, timeoutInSeconds int, value interface{}) error {
	ctx := context.GetContext()
	cache := ctx.Cache

	err := cache.Put(key, value, int64(timeoutInSeconds))
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("[PutIntoCacheWithTimeout] Erro ao incluir no cache: [%s]. Key: [%s] - Value: [%v] - Timeout: [%d]\n", err.Error(), key, value, timeoutInSeconds)
		return err
	log.Printf("[PutIntoCacheWithTimeout] Cache inputed. Key: [%s] - Value: [%v] - Timeout: [%d]\n", key, value, timeoutInSeconds)
	return nil

RemoveFromCache removes an item from cache
func RemoveFromCache(key string) {
	ctx := context.GetContext()
	cache := ctx.Cache
	if cache.IsExist(key) {

GetValueFromCache gets a value from the system's cache
func GetValueFromCache(key string) interface{} {
	ctx := context.GetContext()
	cache := ctx.Cache
	if cache.IsExist(key) {
		return cache.Get(key)
	return nil

GetIntValueFromCache gets an int value from the system's cache
func GetIntValueFromCache(key string) (retorno int) {
	a := GetValueFromCache(key)
	if a != nil {
		retorno = a.(int)

GetFloatValueFromCache gets an float value from the system's cache
func GetFloatValueFromCache(key string) (retorno float64) {
	a := GetValueFromCache(key)
	if a != nil {
		retorno = a.(float64)

GetStringValueFromCache gets an string value from the system's cache
func GetStringValueFromCache(key string) (retorno string) {
	a := GetValueFromCache(key)
	if a != nil {
		retorno = a.(string)

@jeffprestes done 9817b53c3c301c2b5fc6b1379e163d3f54b62d98now mercurius have a new package named helpers with these helpers. I change the package for better code organization.