
Request wrapper and services for soccerama API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Request wrapper and services for soccerama API

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npm install soccerama.js --save

Usage SocceramaRequest

SocceramaRequest provide one public method - get. Using this method you can send request by endpoint.

const SocceramaRequest = require('soccerama.js').SocceramaRequest;

const request = new SocceramaRequest({ apikey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' });

// send request
request.get(endpoint, options).then(data => console.log(data));


Type: String

Pathname to request url like "matches", "players", "countries/{id}" and so on. You can get the resource (endpoint) from the official soccerama documentation.


Type: Object|Null

Example: { id: 683223, include: [players] }

Object literal with params (key => value) and include (Array) properties.

  • params - value will replace part of resource string by key. For example, {id} in resource string will be replace to id from params.
  • include's elements will be add to query string (to include relations into the response you can pass the include parameter with request).


  • Get countries
request.get('countries').then(data => {
  // will be send request to api with resource like
  // https://api.soccerama.pro/v1.2/countries?api_token={token}
  // data: { data: [{ id: 7, name: 'Italy', iso_code: 'ITA' }, { ... }] }
  • Get match with id 683223
request.get('matches/{id}', { id: 683223 }).then(data => {
  // {id} in resource will be replace to id from params
  // https://api.soccerama.pro/v1.2/matches/683223?api_token={token}
  // data: { id: 683223, ht_score: '2-0', ft_score: '3-2', ...,  }
  • Get match with id 683223 with included stats for both teams.
request.get('matches/{id}', {
  id: 683223,
  include: ['homeStats', 'awayStats']
}).then(data => {
  // {id} in resource will be replace to id from params
  // elements from include will be add to query string too
  // https://api.soccerama.pro/v1.2/matches/683223?api_token={token}&include=homeStats,awayStats
  // data: { id: 683223, ht_score: '2-0', ft_score: '3-2', homeStats: { ... }, awayStats: { ... }, ...  }
  • Catch error if data isn't found, token isn't available and so on.
request.get('unavailable_resource/{id}', { id: 772841 }).then(data => {
  // ...
.catch((error) => {

  // Error: Failed to load page with status code: 404
  // and stacktrace

Usage SocceramaService

SocceramaService provide methods for getting data by easiest way.

const SocceramaRequest = require('soccerama.js').SocceramaRequest;
const SocceramaService = require('soccerama.js').SocceramaService;

const socceramaRequest = new SocceramaRequest({ apikey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' });
const service = new SocceramaService({ socceramaRequest, eagerLoading: true });

// e.g. get match by id
service.getMatchById(691088, ['homeStats', 'awayStats']).then(data => ... );

You can pass eagerLoading option to constructor - if it's true, then all available includes will be loaded auto. For example, competition can include ['country', 'currentSeason', 'seasons'] and all of them will be include to request.

But eagerLoading not load related includes (like matches.homeStats). You can pass this option to method (see example). All available options will be concat with your includes (without dublicates).

service.getSeasonById(651, ['matches.homeTeam']);

Available methods

All of them return object or array with data (which not wrapped in data object).

  • getCompetitions(include)
  • getCompetitionById(id, include)
  • getSeasons(include)
  • getSeasonById(id, include)
  • getMatchesBySeasonId(id, include)
  • getTeamsBySeasonId(id, include)
  • getTeamsById(id, include)
  • getStandingById(id)
  • getMatchById(id, include)
  • getMatchesByTeamIdAndSeasonId({ teamId, seasonId }, include)
  • getMatchesByDateRange({ start, end }, include) Date in YYYY-mm-dd format

Create own method

You can create own method for get some data. Overall construction looks like following:

getTeamsBySeasonId(id, include) {
  return this.fetch({
    endpoint: 'teams/season/{id}',
    params: { id, include },
    get: result => result.data,
    availableIncludes: ['players', 'venue', 'coach', 'chairman']
  • endpoint - endpoint string
  • params - this params will replace corresponding values in endpoint (in SocceramaRequest instance).
  • get - function, which handle result
  • availableIncludes - includes, which load auto (if eagerLoading is true)

For example, next method get video by match id from wao3iewu:

const SocceramaService = require('soccerama.js').SocceramaService;
SocceramaService.prototype.getVideoByMatchId(id, include) {
  return this.fetch({
    // endpoint, see https://soccerama.pro/docs/1.2/videos
    endpoint: 'videos/match/{id}',
    // params for SocceramaRequest
    params: { id, include },
    // filter videos and return from `wao3iewu`
    get: result => result.data.filter(video => video.url.indexOf('wao3iewu') !== -1)
    // availableIncludes: [] - not available includes

module.exports = SocceramaService;

// ...

const MySocceramaService = require('path-to-override-molude');
// create instance of SocceramaRequest and MySocceramaService

mySocceramaService.getVideoByMatchId(691088).then(videos => ... );


  • Get match by id with stats
service.getMatchById(691088, ['homeStats', 'awayStats'])
.then((result) => {
  • Get matches by date range (YYYY-mm-dd) with home team stats
service.getMatchesByDateRange({ start: '2017-01-10', end: '2017-01-17' }, ['homeStats'])
.then((result) => {