
scrpage2 obsolete

johannesbottcher opened this issue · 4 comments

Just came here via TeX.SX.

Your template uses the (for a while now) obsolete scrpage2. Can you update the template to use scrlayer-scrpage?

Thanks for the pointer to the discussion. I'll have a look.

My GNU/Linux Debian stable does not come with scrlayer-scrpage yet.

Is there a negative effect when I wait a little longer in order to let "scrlayer-scrpage" to "sink in"?

Ah, Debian stable ;-)
No, if your users use the documentaiton that is installed as well, there should be no disadvantages.

For the last two versions i think, KOMA does not mention scrpage2 anymore. The new package is backwards compatible, so there should be no real trouble changing in the future.

Ah, Debian stable ;-)

Yes, with all of its advantages and disadvantages :-)

However, Debian stable represents the (outdated) versions which are used in the wild. Many volks have issues with something "ultra-modern" like biblatex/biber and such. I have to be careful not to depend on versions people do not have (yet).

No, if your users use the documentaiton that is installed as well, there should be no disadvantages.

OK, then I'll mark this issue as closed and migrate in a couple of months.

For the last two versions i think, KOMA does not mention scrpage2 anymore. The new package is backwards compatible, so there should be no real trouble changing in the future.

Good to know. Did happen after I stopped using LaTeX on a daily basis.