Sharelatex Problem
broomd opened this issue · 3 comments
broomd commented
Since sharelatex is often used, it would be nice, if the template works also with it.
(Not possible to compile the current version)
Thanks a lot
novoid commented
I created an account on this cloud service and uploaded the current template.
Compiling worked but with three warnings that do not seem to be severe:
Package hyperref Warning: Unexpected value for option `pdftex' is ignored on input line 4374.
/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hyperref.sty, line 4374
Package hyperref Warning: Values of option `pdfpagemode': * `UseNone' * `UseOutlines' * `UseThumbs' * `FullScreen' * `UseOC' (PDF 1.5) * `UseAttachments' (PDF 1.6) * An empty value disables the option. Unknown value `None' on input line 4374.
Package hyperref Warning: Option `pagecolor' is not available anymore.
Here is the downloaded result PDF which looks okay to me:
So I'll close the bug here.
broomd commented
What did you excactly use? If I upload the whole GIT zip archiv, I get everytime I try to compile an out of time error :(
novoid commented
I uploaded all the files to the exact same folders one by one.