Feature Request: Inherent Tags
yuki-tm opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello Novoid! I began using FileTags recently to replace an older sorting system I've been using for years. One of my favorite features in FileTags is the ability to use mutually exclusive tagging, which has made my life a whole lot easier.
That being said, I find myself seeking more efficiency in my workflow. I think an excellent way to achieve this would be through Inherent Tags, which would allow a single tag to imply other tags.
For example, suppose I wanted to tag a photograph with "dogs"; it could then be assumed that I also wanted to tag the photo with "animals". Another example would be "bacon", which could have the inherent tag "food". This would be an excellent way to apply multiple tags in half the effort, which is something important for my personal workflow.
I wouldn't claim to know how this could be implemented into your model, but I imagine it integrated in a similar way to how mutually exclusive tags currently exist. Perhaps inherent tags would be contained within brackets {dogs animals}
or derive their meaning through a precursor (+dogs +animals
) in the same line.
Naturally this only shaves off a few moments, but in the grand scheme it speeds things up considerably over long sessions. I'm curious to hear your thoughts either way, thanks for the tools!
I understand the advantages of a tag hierarchy, which is another term used for the feature request at hand.
However, if you think of filetags and its implementation, this simply is not possible to implement without a substantial complexity when you think of TagTrees and how they are generated. It's not impossible to implement, I just think that this adds the danger of introducing bad tagging habits from my point of view.
According to my tagging rules summarized on https://karl-voit.at/2022/01/29/How-to-Use-Tags/ I try to "keep tags on a general level". So if you combine this rule with the other rule "use as few tags as possible", I'd recommend to drop "dogs" and "bacon" and stick with "animals" and "food" instead because they do represent the more general level. Add the rest in the file name, if you want.
If you do want to add this level of complexity yourself: please, do fork my project(s) and drop me a line so that I may include your fork in my READMEs.