
CV: .filetags may contain mandatory options

novoid opened this issue · 3 comments

Controlled vocabulary files may contain a list of command line options that are mandatory.

Example: #options --recursive --filebrowser thunar always uses functions recursive and opens results in thunar (instead of a different default browser).


  • What about contradicting CLI options?
    • example 1: --filebrowser thunar in .filetags and --filebrowser geeqie in command line?
    • example 2: --tagtrees-depth 3 in .filetags and user just wants to tag a file (which does not allow/need tagtrees at all and results in an error)

Yes, please!

ad ex.1: CLI options should win through higher specificity (with possibly a warning being displayed).

ad ex.2: filetags --tagtrees-depth 3 foo seems to work without problem to just add a tag here? In case of conflicting modes I think that again CLI input should win as it signifies the current intent of the user.


Short remark on ex.2: I plan to separate filetags from tagtrees using a separate Python script within the same repository. Tagtrees has been a small feature but got bigger and bigger.
See #8

I'm going to close this because #16 is a much better solution although it doesn't allow "overriding" this config file in a .filetags file which is located in a deeper level within the file system hierarchy.