Issue on docs: missing Pushpad provider
collimarco opened this issue · 6 comments
Path: /additional-resources/glossary
On that page the Pushpad provider ( is missing.
I hope that you can add it asap.
We have been featuring Novu on our blog ( for several months, and is really sad to see that you haven't included Pushpad in your list.
Let me know
Hi @collimarco,
Please can you clarify what you mean by the pushpad provider is missing?
Here, in the list of push providers, we have Pushpad listed:
Here is a dedicated page to show how to connect to pushpad and trigger notification using Novu
So, can you point me to where pushpad is missng?
oh, just a second, are you talking about here? @collimarco
are you talking about here?
@unicodeveloper Yes, exactly :) I found that page because you linked to it in your recent newsletter and I didn't see Pushpad listed in the Push providers...
We'll update it now. This page is lagging behind on a lot of new channel providers across push, email and sms. @collimarco
@collimarco Please check again. We have updated it. It's live now.
@unicodeveloper Great, thanks for the quick response!