
YII2 extension for generating one time passwords according to RFC 4226 (HOTP Algorithm) and the RFC 6238 (TOTP Algorithm)

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Code Climate SensioLabsInsight

Latest Version Software License

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YII2 extension for generating one time passwords according to RFC 4226 (HOTP Algorithm) and the RFC 6238 (TOTP Algorithm)


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require novy213/yii2-otp:~2.0.0

or add

"novy213/yii2-otp" : "~2.0.0"

to the require section of your application's composer.json file.


After extension is installed you need to setup auth client collection application component:


use novy213\otp\Otp;


'components' => [
    'otp' => [
        'class' => Otp::className(),
        // 'totp' only now
        'algorithm' => novy213\otp\Otp::ALGORITHM_TOTP,
        // length of code
        'digits' => 6,
        //  Algorithm for hashing
        'digest' => 'sha1',
        // Label of application
        'label' => 'yii2-otp',
        // Uri to image (application icon)
        'imgLabelUrl' => Yii::to('/icon.png'),
        // Betwen 8 and 1024
        'secretLength' => 64,
        // Time interval in seconds, must be at least 1

Add behavior Add any model column for storing secure code. //My case: the use of two-factor authentication

use novy213\otp\behaviors\OtpBehavior;


'behavior' => [
    'otp' => [
        'class' => OtpBehavior::className(),
        // Component name
        'component' => 'otp',
        // column|property name for get and set secure phrase
        //'secretAttribute' => 'secret'
        // column|property name for get code and confirm secret
        //'codeAttribute' => 'secret'
        //Window in time for check authorithation (current +/- window*interval) 
        //'window' => 0

Widget use Widget for generate init QR-code. Read more about QrParams in the qrcode-library.

use novy213\otp\widgets\OtpInit;

<?php echo $form->field($model, 'secret')->widget(
                    OtpInit::className() ,[
                        // link text
                        'link' => 'ADD OTP BY LINK',
                        'QrParams' => [
                            // pixels width
                            'size' => 300,
                            // margin around QR-code
                            'margin' => 10,
                            // Path to logo on image
                            'logo' => '/icon.png',
                            // Width logo on image
                            'logoWidth' => 50,
                            // RGB color
                            'foregroundColor' => [0,0,0],
                            // RGB color
                            'backgroundColor' => [255,255,255],
                            // Qulity of QR: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGHT, QUARTILE
                            'level' => ErrorCorrectionLevelInterface::HIGH,
                            // Image format: PNG, JPG, SVG, EPS
                            'type' => PngWriter::class,
                            // Locale
                            'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
                            // Text on image under QR code
                            'label' => 'QR code',
                            // by default image create and save at Yii::$app->runtimePath . '/temporaryQR/'
                            'outfile' => '/tmp/'.uniqid(),
                            // save or delete after generate
                            'save' => false,
                ]); ?>

Further Information



The LGPLv3 License. Please see License File for more information.