
Support Typescript

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Support Typescript

is the request for typescript support?


fa7ad commented

Hi @puchesjr @yamatsum,

I don't know if you are planning a full-rewrite in typescript, but if you just want to add a .d.ts file maybe this can help.

import { type FastifyPluginAsync } from 'fastify'
import { type app as firebaseApp } from 'firebase-admin'

type Firebase = firebaseApp.App

type FastifyFirebase =

declare namespace fastifyFirebase {
  export interface FastifyFirebaseOptions {
    name?: string
    cert?: string
    databaseURL?: string
    storageBucket?: string
    projectId?: string

  export const fastifyFirebase: FastifyFirebase

  export { fastifyFirebase as default }

declare module 'fastify' {
  interface FastifyInstance {
    firebase: Firebase

declare function fastifyFirebase(...params: Parameters<FastifyFirebase>): ReturnType<FastifyFirebase>
export = fastifyFirebase

I'm using this definition in one of my projects, the code is based on the type definition for fastify-helmet iirc.


Types have been added, please upgrade to v2.0.0-rc - will be going v2 in the coming weeks.