
@af-utils/scrollend-polyfill cannot use in React18

Ge-yuan-jun opened this issue · 8 comments

the npm package @af-utils/scrollend-polyfill cannot use in React18 when addEventListener to ref

  useEffect(() => {
    const scrollendCb = () => {
      console.log('scrollend trigger');
    myRef?.current?.addEventListener('scrollend', scrollendCb);

    return myRef?.current?.removeEventListener('scrollend', scrollendCb);
  }, []);
if (arguments[0] === SCROLLEND_EVENT) {
    fn.apply(this, arguments as any);

the arguments[0] equals to react-scroll,not scrollend

You already managed to solve it?

Not yet, I'm trying. May you provide some suggestions ?

I need to investigate this, will do this approximately in 1hr, could you please provide some additional information like:

  • browser
  • packages installed / libraries used

I use the pkg in webview. I already debug the code.

I have bind scroll & touchend in the jsx

when i comment the onScroll & onTouchEnd, the scrollend still cannot be triggered


the blow code has triggered twice when the page init

const patchScrollEnd = <T extends ListenerMethod>(
    objects: readonly PolyfilledTarget[],
    method: T,
    fn: (
      this: PolyfilledTarget,
      type: string,
      listener: PossibleListenerType,
      options?: AddEventListenerOptions
    ) => void
  ) =>
    objects.forEach(object => {
      const originalMethod = object[method];

      object[method] = function () {
        originalMethod.apply(this, arguments as any);
        if (arguments[0] === SCROLLEND_EVENT) {
          // the blow code has triggered when the page init
          console.log('patchScrollEnd trigger');
          fn.apply(this, arguments as any);

but, the code blow cannot be triggered

    e => {
      for (const touch of e.changedTouches) {
        if (pointers.delete(touch.identifier) && lastTarget && !pointers.size) {
          // // the blow code cannot be triggered when I touchend
          console.log('touchend dispatch');
          lastTarget = null;
    { passive: true }

the touchend callback cannot be triggered because the lastTarget always be null

    e => {
      for (const touch of e.changedTouches) {
        // the lastTarget always be null
        if (pointers.delete(touch.identifier) && **lastTarget** && !pointers.size) {
          lastTarget = null;
    { passive: true }

emmm, this is a stupid issue.

I already solve it.


useEffect(() => {
    myRef?.current?.addEventListener('scrollend', scrollendCb);
    // it should return function
    return () => myRef?.current?.removeEventListener('scrollend', scrollendCb);
  }, []);

Added example for this polyfill, so you could always try it online now

Feel free to reopen this issue if you see something does not work.
In order to improve debugging experience you could fork Stackblitz / Codesandbox examples which could be found here