
multiprocessing in pebble

QGB opened this issue · 1 comments

QGB commented
Search "multiprocessing" (12 hits in 3 files)
  C:\QGB\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pebble\concurrent\ (7 hits)
	Line 22: import multiprocessing
	Line 49:     The context parameter allows to provide the multiprocessing.context
	Line 60:         return _process_wrapper(args[0], timeout, name, daemon, multiprocessing)
	Line 64:     mp_context = mp_context if mp_context is not None else multiprocessing
	Line 68:         return _process_wrapper(args[0], timeout, name, daemon, multiprocessing)
	Line 170:             mp_context, multiprocessing.context.BaseContext):
	Line 171:         raise TypeError('Context expected to be None or multiprocessing.context')
  C:\QGB\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pebble\pool\ (4 hits)
	Line 21: import multiprocessing
	Line 56:     def __init__(self, max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), max_tasks=0,
	Line 60:         mp_context = multiprocessing if context is None else context
	Line 487:     workers = [p for p in multiprocessing.active_children()
  C:\QGB\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pebble\pool\ (1 hit)
	Line 20: from multiprocessing import cpu_count

What is this about? Is this an issue? It rather looks like some copy-paste of search results over the project code.