This app is take a role of payment gateway for bank terminal and your billing system.
Configuration for connection to bases and more, must be placed in file connection-config.js, in format of export constants.
// SQL config for taking payment act data
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
server: 'localhost',
database: 'myDatabase',
// API for bonuscard information
exports.BONUSCARD_API_PATH = 'http://localhost/Bonuscard_API_Path';
// API for create billing document
exports.BILLING_DOCUMENT_API_PATH = 'http://localhost/BillingDoc_API_Path/';
// Path for SQLite file
exports.SQLITE_FILE_PATH = 'path/to/database.sqlite';
// Path to app log files
exports.LOGS_PATH = '/path/to/logs';
// SQL procedure name for payment act
exports.PAYMENT_ACT_PROCEDURE_NAME = 'ProcedureName';