
Stuck in Wizard campaign: TNT will not explode wall

albertdev opened this issue · 4 comments

I was replaying the Wizard campaign and had just beaten the miniboss of the "Underworld" level in the "Castle Galava" chapter. Opennox 1.9.0 alpha 13.

Once you beat the miniboss, you take a teleporter to an area where a bunch of ember demons are roaming. That area has an elevator, and once you ride on it you will enter a glitchy area where there is no south wall, allowing you to walk out of the map:


The real problem is the area to the north though: it is a mineshaft containing TNT barrels.


Once you explode them there's supposed to be a breach in the wall, allowing you to continue to the Village of Ix. Currently this does not happen, there's just a bunch of fire:


Here's an autosave where the ember demons have been killed and you can walk to the elevator:


Someone did some map editing to I've spotted a few issues with the map.

There ARE no scripts that allow the explosives to "destroy the wall." The wall should be breakable, but it's not. And the scripts are a complete mess to begin with. As soon as I dropped down that hole, everything attacked me on sight!

I've given you a fresh map to overwrite. You might want to reload at a previous map after replacing the file if you're able.

Wiz07c Map

Bad Wiz07C 1
Good Wiz07c 1
Bad Wiz07C 2
Good Wiz07c 2

If you opened the map state from my savegame then it would make sense that the demons are missing - I played the game past the miniboss, so they should be dead by that point.

Admittedly I have no idea how Nox works underneath so if the issue is not in the scripts then so be it, it's just that I was annoyed that I got stuck after that. I'll give the map you linked a try, thanks for taking a look!

Your Autosave actually brought me to the beginning of I didn't bother looking for Demons because I just gave myself God Mode and Teleported to Targeted my way to the boss arena.

Where Monsters are supposed to be on the map are irrelevant if they are dead or not, because that's where they're supposed to be upon the map's initial load-up.

So then the demons that were supposedly deleted respawned (?) and attacked me, and didn't follow their assigned scripts, most likely because the entities the scripts were assigned to were deleted.