
Image size

Closed this issue ยท 14 comments

Hi Nozer,

You did a great job, your module is very useful to me and simple to use. But I have some troubles with images, as you know the images are save in base64 with the width attribute. When I resize it, it works, but when I'm saving then displaying it out of Quill the image is displayed with its original size. But when I come back to Quill the image is displayed properly.

I saw that you've just pushed a commit one day ago about supporting width image attribute. What a luck! Can you please release it so I can use it on my prod server by installing it with npm?

Thank you very much

nozer commented

Thank you. Done

Sorry to bother you again, but do you know how long it takes to see your updated module on npm?

nozer commented

I am so sorry I forgot to push to npm. I just did that. Don't hesitate to bother again if I forgot something else:)

Thank you very much, this is your Christmas present to me! Have great holidays with your family :)

nozer commented

:) Thanks a lot and I wish you happy holidays too.

Hi Nozer, hope you had a good time for Christmas.

I use quill-image-resize-module (v.3.0.0) to resize uploaded image into Quill. When I save the delta, I have an inline-group like this:

myDelta = {
  ops: [
    0: {
      attributes: { width: "100" },
      insert: { image: "data:image/png;base64,..." }
    1: {
      insert: "my image\n"

No problem until now. But when I try to convert the delta, it seems like I'm loosing the image attribute in the process:

const converter = new DeltaToHTML(myDelta.ops, {});
converter.beforeRender(function (groupType, data) {
  // console.log(data):
  // {
  //   ops: [
  //     0: {
  //       attributes: {},
  //       insert: { type: "image", value: "data:image/png;base64,..." }
  //     },
  //     1: {
  //       attributes: {},
  //       insert: { type: "text", value: "my image" }
  //     },
  //     2: {
  //       attributes: {},
  //       insert: { type: "text", value: "\n" }
  //     }
  //   ]
  // }
const html = converter.convert();

Any idea? Maybe I'm using quill-delta-to-html in a wring way?

Thanks for your help :)

nozer commented

This converter changes attribute ..., insert: {image|video|formula|text: 'value'}, ... to ...,insert:{type: 'image|video|formula|text', value:'value'},... So you can get your original image attribute value via insert.value

Thank you for your quick answer, but I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean (I'm junior, please be patient :)). Can you be more precise?

nozer commented

To get your image value in original data, you would do insert.image; now, you would need to do insert.value when insert.type is image.

Yes I get it, but what I don't get is how could I keep the width attribute from the original delta? I did not find the image width in insert.value :(

Ok I found a way but I think there is a better to do that:

const converter = new DeltaToHTML(myDelta.ops, {})
converter.beforeRender(function (groupType, data) {
  data.ops.forEach(e => {
     if (e.insert.type === 'image') {
       myDelta.ops.forEach(el => {
         if (el.insert.image && el.insert.image === e.insert.value) {
           e.attributes.width = el.attributes.width
html = converter.convert()
nozer commented

Hi again,
You found a bug and I just fixed and pushed it (v0.5.5). width attribute was not sanitized and thus not kept. Now, you can access the width via e.attributes.width without having to re-set it. Thanks for catching that.

Thanks a lot for being so reactive!

nozer commented
