
Completely ignores style attribute

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have following delta, image has style attribute which gets completely ignored when I try to convert to html. I have enabled inline style, did not help. How to solve?

{"ops":[{"insert":"This is the "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"VERY F"},{"attributes":{"style":"display: block; margin: auto;"},"insert":{"image":"_ANY_IMAGE_HERE"}},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"IRST"},{"insert":" test of help text\n\n\n\n"}]}

quill delta does not have such attribute, but you can implement own handler using renderCustomWith

Hi @volser. Do you have an example of how to use renderCustomWith to get this style attribute?

I'm using quill-blot-formatter to allow image resizing/alignment. It adds a style attribute to my Delta:

Screen Shot 2020-05-27 at 22 25 24

The width attribute works fine but the style one is ignored when using the converter:


I've tried using the renderCustomWith example mentioned in the docs, but it doesn't seem to be called.

converter.renderCustomWith(function(customOp, contextOp) {
  console.log('called'); // never called
  return 'Unmanaged custom blot!';
tarkh commented

Same issue here! I've implemented custom styling for images in Quill. So deltas looks like

"attributes": {
    "height": "274.54809766973534",
    "width": "403",
    "style": "display: inline; float: left; margin: 0px 1em 1em 0px;"
"insert": {
    "image": "/upload/news/img/1606957984882-nym50m.jpg"

I've tried to implement renderCustomWith, but it did not trigger on image... Please, could you point me any way to solve this?

tarkh commented

Ok, for those who facing same problem, I've managed this hack to pass through style to image:

// Quill data object
const quillData = {
    "ops": [
// Alter image op in quillData.ops
for(let op in quillData.ops) {
    // If we have image op
    if(quillData.ops[op].insert.image) {
        // Set it as custom op and copy original data
        quillData.ops[op].insert.customImage = quillData.ops[op].insert.image;
        // Delete original image op
        delete quillData.ops[op].insert.image;
// Init converter
const converter = new QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(quillData.ops);
// Custom image style tag processing
converter.renderCustomWith(function(customOp, contextOp){
    if(customOp.insert.type === 'customImage') {
        return `<img src="${customOp.insert.value}"
    } else {
        return 'Unmanaged custom blot!';
// Convert
resultHTML = converter.convert();

Had the same problem and found the thread. The most simple solution:

const converter = new QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(deltaOps, {
        customTagAttributes: (op) => {
          if (op.insert.type === 'image') {
            return {

ignores customStyle attribute use in Quill , but [ op.insert.type ] was same 'text' ? then you can:

const converter = new QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(deltaOps, {
        inlineStyles: true,
        customCssStyles: op => {
          if (op.attributes.lineHeight) {
            return "line-height" + ":" + op.attributes.lineHeight;