
img src attribute is set to [object Object]

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have found a weird behavior when converting images insert ops : the src attribute of the output img tag is always set to [object Object]

Here is a commit with a unit test which reproduces the issue: bastienguillon@3ee6fdb


const delta = {
    ops: [
            insert: {
                image: {
                    alt: null,
                    url: ""

const output = new QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(delta.ops, { urlSanitizer: url => url }).convert();

Expected output

<p><img class="ql-image" src=""/></p>

Actual output

<p><img class="ql-image" src="[object Object]"/></p>

I wrote a dirty hack to temporarily fix the issue, but it is clearly not a viable solution

for (const op of delta.ops) {
	if (op?.insert?.image) {
		op.insert.image.toString = () => {
			return op.insert.image.url;

in standard quill delta, image is string. It looks like you changed format