
list indent html

Opened this issue · 1 comments

is there a way to change the html for lists with indent?
in quilljs the html generated from lists with indent looks like this:

   <li>list 1</li>
   <li class="ql-indent-1">list 2</li>
   <li class="ql-indent-2">list 3</li>

the same delta in the convertor looks like this:

   <li>list 1
          <li>list 2
                <li>list 3</li>

this works fine for nested lists, but if I need the first item in the list to be with indent in quill editor it looks great but the html from the convertor looses the indent

quill would look like this: <ol><li class="ql-indent-2">list with indent</li></ol>
and the convertor would look like this: <ol><li>list with indent</li></ol>

I guess the solution would be to add an option for the convertor to not group lists and to not set the indent to 0
like asked in this issue: #60

looking at this pr: #88
it would actually solve the issue.. I can just clear the padding of the ol and do it myself if I have the ql-indent class