Few example not compiling on linux with Qtcreator.
Closed this issue · 6 comments
I tried some example and they are working fine, I was really excited about the wolfram example but it is not compiling, i even tried the one present in nb-patches they too fail.
Here is one example of error trying to run example_midi_polysynth
/home/s***/Programs/openframeworks/openframeworks-nightly/of_v20190324_linux64gcc6_release/addons/ofxPDSP/example_midi_polysynth/src/ofApp.cpp:27: error: undefined reference to 'PolySynth::setup(int)'
/home/s***/Programs/openframeworks/openframeworks-nightly/of_v20190324_linux64gcc6_release/addons/ofxPDSP/example_midi_polysynth/src/ofApp.cpp:107: error: undefined reference to 'PolySynth::Voice::meter_pitch() const'
/home/s***/Programs/openframeworks/openframeworks-nightly/of_v20190324_linux64gcc6_release/addons/ofxPDSP/example_midi_polysynth/src/ofApp.cpp:114: error: undefined reference to 'PolySynth::Voice::meter_mod_env() const'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
actually i'm on linux all the time, so can you point me the version of qtcreator you are using so i can try to reproduce this?
PS: are you able to compile those with make
Qt Creator 4.9.0
Based on Qt 5.12.3 (GCC 8.3.0, 64 bit), all example do compile when using make
you are creating the projects using the project generator included in oF 0.10.1 linux release ?
in the oF page there is written that oF has been tested only with qtcreator 4.6 and 4.6.1, i don't know if the information is up to date, do you have problem just with ofxPDSP or even with other addons or included examples? in that case could be a problem in the project generator
With Qt creator i am having issue even working some of box2d addon example, on 0.10.1, so far i am getting used to makefile and vim to work with openframeworks project, feel free to close the issue. Thx
oook, i will close it as it is an oF related problem not specific to ofxPDSP.
If it could help and you want to try something different as IDE i also made some scripts to automatically geneare visual studio code projects: