
Changing model to gpt-4 does not work

Closed this issue · 4 comments

nshern commented

I am not able to use the gpt-4 model.

I tried using -c as explained in the documentation as well as using env variable.

npiv commented

What error do you get?

nshern commented

What error do you get?

I do not get an error. I question it what model it is and I states that it is based on gpt-3 and has no knowledge of the existence of gpt-4

npiv commented

That's not how it works :)

If you ask it to take a best guess at what year it is it will tell you it is 2022. The model has a cutoff date on data it was trained from. It doesn't know what version it is, it bases responses on when it stopped training.

Ask it "when was gpt-4 released" and it will tell you "As of my knowledge up to October 2021, GPT-4 has not been released yet."

I would refer you to read up more on LLMs, and prompt engineering. But you are using gpt-4.

A better way to test is to ask it something complex, and check the types of responses between 3 and 4. There many examples on twitter where gpt-3 is lacking and what gpt-4 does better.