
This is a self paced workshop to get started on Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex to build a simple customer contact call center and chat bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT No AttributionMIT-0

Build an Amazon Connect Call Center

Lab Overview

In this workshop, you will initially build a very simple example of a flow for customer service chatbot for a fictitious FinTech company using Amazon Lex. Once you have built the chatbot you will integrate it with Amazon Connect to create a call center workflow.

Whilst it is possible to do Lab 1 without completing Lab 2 a large amount of the second lab is dependent on having completed the first lab.


In order to complete this workshop you'll need an AWS Account with sufficient permission to create AWS IAM, Amazon Lex, Amazon Connect, AWS Lambda resources.

Please ensure you follow the instructions regarding the Regions to deploy your Amazon Lex code

The Labs

  • Lab 1 - Building your first Amazon Lex chatbot
  • Lab 2 - Creating your first call center using Amazon Connect

Questions and Contact

For questions on the AWS Lex Connect Workshop, or to contact the team, please leave a comment on GitHub.


To clean up all the resources created in this workshop:

  • If you have created an Amazon Connect instance, go to Amazon Connect console, select the instance and click Remove
  • Delete the Amazon Lex bot in the Amazon Lex Console


This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.