
[BUG] npm run test fails on Windows

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What / Why

npm run test for this package fails on windows




  • n/a


Current Behavior

Git cloning the repository on Windows and running npm run test fails

Steps to Reproduce

On a Windows machine execute the following commands:

mkdir tests
cd tests
git clone git
cd git
npm install
npm run test

The expected result would be all tests passing. The obtained result is:

> @npmcli/git@2.0.6 test
> tap

 PASS  test/find.js 3 OK 185.154ms
 PASS  test/is.js 5 OK 184.057ms
 PASS  test/opts.js 2 OK 134.044ms
 PASS  test/env.js 4 OK 15.652ms
 PASS  test/index.js 1 OK 16.549ms
 PASS  test/lines-to-revs.js 22 OK 91.419ms
 PASS  test/is-clean.js 6 OK 2s
 PASS  test/should-retry.js 3 OK 15.07ms
 FAIL  test/spawn.js
 ✖ expect resolving Promise

  --- expected
  +++ actual
  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
   Object {
  -  "stdout": "Initialized empty Git repository in c:/tests/git/test/spawn",
  +  "stdout": "Initialized empty Git repository in C:/tests/git/test/spawn/.git/\n",

  test: test/spawn.js setup repo
    line: 22
    column: 12
    file: test/spawn.js
    type: Test

 PASS  test/which.js 5 OK 1s
 PASS  test/revs.js 20 OK 2s
 FAIL  test/spawn.js 1 failed of 6 4s
 ✖ expect resolving Promise

 FAIL  test/clone.js
 ✖ timeout!

  test: test/clone.js again, with a submodule
  expired: test/clone.js

 FAIL  test/clone.js
 ✖ timeout!

 FAIL  test/clone.js 2 failed of 33 31s
 ✖ timeout!
 ✖ timeout!


 FAIL  test/clone.js 2 failed of 33 31s
 ✖ timeout!
 ✖ timeout!

 FAIL  test/spawn.js 1 failed of 6 4s
 ✖ expect resolving Promise

Suites:   2 failed, 10 passed, 12 of 12 completed
Asserts:  3 failed, 107 passed, of 110
Time:     31s

Expected Behavior

npm run test should succeed in an unchanged repository