
[FEATURE] npm authentication

Closed this issue · 3 comments

What / Why

We use pacote to check the latest tag version on NPM to let people know if they are running an old version of our packages ( Everything works fine for public NPM packages, but we cannot check on private packages. It would be great if there was a way to use local or user-level NPM authentication tokens from .npmrc files with pacote to check on these private packages.


Every time the manifest for a private package is checked


Both programmatically and on the CLI:

# public package
pacote manifest @grouparoo/core | jq .version
# Private package (it's ok, we announce this package exists)
pacote manifest @grouparoo/ui-enterprise | jq .version
HttpErrorGeneral: 404 Not Found - GET - Not found



Current Behavior


Expected Behavior

Maybe something like this:

import pacote from "pacote";

  const manifest: { name: string; version: string } = await pacote.manifest(
     { _authToken: 'abc123' }





Hello @evantahler

There is a token option to authenticate the request (it take an npm access token). For CLI however i don't know.

We ran into the same 404 issue after updating our dependencies and discovering newer supposedly semver-compliant pacote builds 404 and older builds do not.

npm-registry-fetch 10.0.0 introduced breaking changes around auth scopes, and these breaking changes were brought over to pacote between 11.3.1 and 11.3.2.

A top level _auth, _authToken, username, _password, or
password option is no longer respected if not scoped to a given
registry URL.

We have hacked around it by changing eg.:

const opts = { token: process.env.NPM_AUTH_TOKEN }


const opts = { "//": process.env.NPM_AUTH_TOKEN }

the scoped auth config is the solution here. it is not safe to pass the same auth token to every host.