How to style the slider ?
Closed this issue · 3 comments
joer33304 commented
Can you please add documentation how to change the style of the slider ?
DanielBorel commented
I want know how to do styling the slider range.
npnm commented
There is no direct way available to change default style of npn-slider. You have to write down your custom CSS3 style. You can use the class names to target the html elements/tags. You can inspect elements in browser to understand its structure, current style.
Basic html used for npn-slider.
<div class="slider">
<div class="bar">
<span class="left-handle">
<span class="handle-tooltip"><!--tooltip value1--></span>
<div class="filler">
<div class="step-indicators">
<span><!--act like the bar in b/w handler - filled with background color--></span>
<span class="right-handle">
<span class="handle-tooltip"><!--tooltip value2--></span>
<div class="values">
I hope these details will help you to apply custom style to npn-slider. cheers!
npnm commented
I hope my suggestions are helpful for you guys. if not please let me know.