
Issue Move Order weird behaviour on AI behaviour tree?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Please any hint to fix this?

i have made a custom task for replace MoveTo task due I want to fix the final position getting a raius random position, anyways, if I just add the task that's I believe same as MoveTo , but since MoveTo its kind default and don't let me see into it, I have made this task that's similar to the other issue move orders, the point is that in the IssueMoveOrder on behaviour tree

so that's my behavior tree with the new task

And this is the task


My wondering is , why its repeat this much I think we need some more docs around this issue move order, coz I actually want to fix this since moving multiple units to the same final location its make the entire plugin useless to my sight, and I really love the plugin and that's open source so many I can help and we all can help on make some simple radius random position final on move units?
and I try to use that but the units get crazy coz this thing seems to have a bug where its constantly keep saying moving its succeed moving as fail.... <---------- THIS LEAVE TO THE BUG , is not noticed on your default demo due you not add the comments like I did, and coz all the units end up in the same location and even that looks fine but if you want multiple units to move at once they need to have their own position different from the other units I believe. even in a space game.

So any clue on how we can fix this? i just want to call issue move order ONCE each time I click, no matter if he succeed or not I don't want that be repeated infinitely when its not need. thanks.

I just want to say that , i have try to add this and I'm trying still to find the solution for add this.


but the result is not good
Result vid 1
Result vid 2
anyone would be too gentlemanly to give a hint maybe? thanks

Ah sorry I'm not too sure how to do it simply or with blueprints. The way I did it involved merging the orders plugin ( with the rts plugin. Alot of the logic in the big behavior tree can then be split / copy and pasted into separate smaller behavior trees.

Dont worry, i just want to say that i finally succeed on have something working with blueprints and modifying a lil the behaviour tree with some custom code i have add it work perfectly now , thanks.

Glad you figured it out!