
after af2_initial_guess/, the distance between binder and target becomes much longer

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Hi @nrbennet

thanks very much for your shared codes and paper!!
I use RF diffusion to generate, ProteinMPNN-FastRelax, and finally af2_initial_guess, all the default configs.
I test short peptide length 6-10 amino acids, and longer length 26-30 amino acids for the 2 different target proteins.

After run 1000 designs and all the same phenomena:
In the new pdb which is generate from af2 prediction, the distance between binder and target becomes much longer.
In the pictures blew, the green color is the pdb after ProteinMPNN-FastRelax; the cyan color is the pdb after af2_initial_guess prediction.


  1. is this noraml or designed on purpose?
    in my case, all the pae_interaction are between 22-28, too larger, that's low quality. When the designed structured from ProteinMPNN-FastRelax is low quality, the distance between binder and target becomes much longer?
  2. Maybe some target protein structures are very hard to design good bindiers.
    could you supply a target pdb and binder design configs to let me have a pae_interaction < 10 for 1000 designs?
    thanks very much in advace!!
    thanks for your innovation on af2_initial_guess, a really good idea!!

屏幕截图 2024-04-22 164109

@rocke2020, did you find an answer to this?