How to cite MetroloPy?
nluetts opened this issue · 2 comments
nluetts commented
Hi there!
Is there a preferred way to cite this package?
I did not find instructions on that.
By the way, the search field over at does not work for me, neither in Firefox nor Brave-Browser (it just hangs).
ftessier commented
@hvparks Note that we got a doi from the NRC for the EGSnrc project. If you want to do that for MetroloPy let me know! Feel free to draw on Citing EGSnrc for inspiration.
hvparks commented
We will get a DOI for metrolopy, but for now it is probable best to use the GitHub web page, something like: H.V. Parks, MetroloPy version 0.6.1, (2020).
I will try rebuilding the documentation to see if that clears up the issue with search. Thanks