
Alternative to relative paths to font / logo artifacts

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for the extension. I am trying to use it to generate pdfs of reports from .qmd files in a hierarchy of directories. The paths for the fonts and logo.png artifacts in the PrettyPDF.tex file are treated as relative to the qmd file being processed. Since that relative path is not necessarily the same for each of my documents, the build fails to find the fonts and logo. Is there a way of fixing the latex paths to be relative to the root directory? Ideally I wouldn't have to hard code them for my system as I would like to also use CI to build these files automatically.

I think this is a general problem with a lot of Quarto extensions not working well with nested folders, but I'll have a better look at it next week when I have time.

One solution to using the same extension across multiple nested folders is Quarto projects: