
Allow hiding ack message when using nrepl.cmdline

cursive-ide opened this issue · 1 comments

When using the --ack option to nrepl.cmdline, it currently prints a message:

Starting nREPL server...
/Users/colin/jdks/jbsdk8u152b1293.1_osx_x64/jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java etc etc
ack'ing my port 52838 to other server running on port 52833 nil
Connecting to local nREPL server...
nREPL server started on port 52838 on host localhost - nrepl://localhost:52838
Clojure 1.10.1

In the case of Cursive, and probably for other tooling, the two ports will almost certainly be arbitrary and the message is mostly useless to users. It would be nice to be able to hide this.

Ugh, sorry, I meant to file this against nrepl.