
Not respecting eval message :flie when evaluating a form

jpmonettas opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently if you evaluate any ClojureScript form via piggieback the :file field in the message will be ignored, and "cljs-repl" will be used as a file. When defining a var, this will affect the var metadata :file field which is used for example for finding sources via clojure.repl/source.

I think when :file is present (when using cider to eval for example) it should be used instead of "cljs-repl".

One way of testing this with Cider is :

  • do a cider-jack-in-cljs with a browser repl (no shadow-cljs, since shadow middleware works fine in this respect).
  • require a cljs namespace
  • check the file meta of any function (-> #'my-ns/some-fn meta :file), it should be correct
  • re-evaluate the function from the editor
  • check the meta again, it should be "cljs-repl" now, even when we re-evaluated from a saved file buffer