
predis cluster 2 bug my meet!!

Closed this issue · 1 comments

first question : code
$multiple_servers = array('tcp://', 'tcp://');
$options=array('cluster' => 'redis');
$client = new Predis\Client($multiple_servers, $options);
$value = $client->get('predis'.$i);
echo $value ;
error:Can't inherit abstract function Predis\Cluster\StrategyInterface::getSlotByKey()
solution:ClusterStrategy.php note this ://abstract public function getSlotByKey($key); // abstract public function getDistributor(); and retry result is right

sencond question:when crash ,code will report error 。not use it slave;
modify: $multiple_servers = array('tcp://', 'tcp://'); the code is right!
so the multiple_servers array first value can't crash !! this is a bug !!! hope correction it !!

nrk commented

Next time, please, at least close your own bug reports blatantly opened on the wrong repository.