
Failed make tests

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Failed make tests

I see this was an old issue and version of this library apparently sorry :)

I closed this originally as I thought it had been caused by an old version of this lib but it seems this is different.

phpiredis enabled
phpiredis version 1.0.0
hiredis version 0.13.3

make test

Build complete.
Don't forget to run 'make test'.

PHP : /usr/bin/php7.2
PHP_SAPI : cli
PHP_OS : Linux - Linux -Q1 4.15.0-33-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 15 16:00:05 UTC 2018 x86_64
INI actual : /phpiredis/tmp-php.ini
More .INIs :

PHP : /usr/bin/phpdbg7.2
PHP_SAPI : phpdbg
PHP_OS : Linux - Linux -Q1 4.15.0-33-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 15 16:00:05 UTC 2018 x86_64
INI actual : /phpiredis/tmp-php.ini
More .INIs :

CWD : /phpiredis
Extra dirs :
VALGRIND : Not used

TIME START 2018-09-13 10:34:53

PASS [CLIENT] Connect to Redis [tests/client_001.phpt]
PASS [CLIENT] Persistent and non-persistent connections [tests/client_002.phpt]
SKIP [CLIENT] Persistent and non-persistent connections (UNIX socket) [tests/client_003.phpt] reason: Cannot find UNIX domain socket file at /tmp/redis.sock
PASS [CLIENT] Execute commands [tests/client_004.phpt]
PASS [CLIENT] Execute pipelined commands [tests/client_005.phpt]
PASS [CLIENT] Execute pipelined commands returning nested multibulk responses [tests/client_006.phpt]
PASS [CLIENT] Execute commands (binary-safe) [tests/client_007.phpt]
PASS [CLIENT] Execute commands with binary data (binary-safe) [tests/client_008.phpt]
PASS [CLIENT] Execute pipelined commands (binary safe) [tests/client_009.phpt]
PASS [CLIENT] Do not attempt to reconnect upon disconnection [tests/client_010.phpt]
PASS [CLIENT] Do not attempt to reconnect upon disconnection (pipeline) [tests/client_011.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Create reader resource [tests/reader_001.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Feed reader and parse responses [tests/reader_002.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Check reader state [tests/reader_003.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Reset reader [tests/reader_004.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Response types [tests/reader_005.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Set custom error handler [tests/reader_006.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Set custom status handler [tests/reader_007.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Custom error handler throwing exceptions or returning objects [tests/reader_008.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Properly handle NULL responses [tests/reader_009.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Keep multibulk responses types [tests/reader_010.phpt]
FAIL [READER] Test regression for segfaults [tests/reader_011.phpt]
PASS [READER] Parameters formatting should not modify input argument. [tests/reader_012.phpt]
PASS [READER] Parameters formatting should not break on many arguments [tests/reader_013.phpt]
PASS [SERIALIZER] Command serialization [tests/serializer_001.phpt]
PASS [SERIALIZER] Command serialization with non-string arguments [tests/serializer_002.phpt]
PASS [UTILS] Calculate the CRC16 of strings [tests/utils_001.phpt]

TIME END 2018-09-13 10:34:55


Exts skipped : 0
Exts tested : 15

Number of tests : 27 26
Tests skipped : 1 ( 3.7%) --------
Tests warned : 0 ( 0.0%) ( 0.0%)
Tests failed : 11 ( 40.7%) ( 42.3%)
Expected fail : 0 ( 0.0%) ( 0.0%)
Tests passed : 15 ( 55.6%) ( 57.7%)

Time taken : 2 seconds


[READER] Create reader resource [tests/reader_001.phpt]
[READER] Feed reader and parse responses [tests/reader_002.phpt]
[READER] Check reader state [tests/reader_003.phpt]
[READER] Reset reader [tests/reader_004.phpt]
[READER] Response types [tests/reader_005.phpt]
[READER] Set custom error handler [tests/reader_006.phpt]
[READER] Set custom status handler [tests/reader_007.phpt]
[READER] Custom error handler throwing exceptions or returning objects [tests/reader_008.phpt]
[READER] Properly handle NULL responses [tests/reader_009.phpt]
[READER] Keep multibulk responses types [tests/reader_010.phpt]
[READER] Test regression for segfaults [tests/reader_011.phpt]

php: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/php/20170718/ undefined symbol: redisReplyReaderCreate

Does this still happen with this version? I'm confused here :)

'Note': Installing the phpiredis extension requires php to install both the APC and APCU extensions in addition to Hiredis, otherwise the dynamic library cannot be loaded.

nrk commented

Changes to support Hiredis >= 0.14, >= 1.0 have been merged in the v1.1 branch, the new minor release will be shipped in a few days is everything is fine. Thank you.