
Will recent Hiredis upgrades be implemented?

gearhead opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Hiredis recently went to 0.14.1 and is working towards a 1.0.0 release with some breaking changes. With 0.14 be implemented? 1.0.0?

I posted a pull request. This pull request works with hiredis 0.14. Confirmed on x64, armv6h, armv7h

Which distro are using that is at 1.0? I am on Arch and we are still at hiredis 0.14. I have not looked at 1.0 to see what will be required only that the hiredis page mentions changes which will break stuff...

nrk commented

Issues with newer hiredis versions will be addressed in the next few days ๐Ÿ‘

nrk commented

Changes to support Hiredis >= 0.14, >= 1.0 have been merged in the v1.1 branch, the new minor release will be shipped in a few days is everything is fine. v1.0 will remain stuck to older Hiredis versions. Thank you.

Thank you! Built. works!

nrk commented

Great, thanks.