
Release predis-async on react 0.4.* as stable

jakubkulhan opened this issue · 9 comments

Could you tag current master as next stable version? I'm working on a project using react 0.4 and predis-async and I wouldn't like to maintain dependencies on dev versions.

btw Thank you for Predis, it's a great library!

nrk commented

The master branch is currently in the works (I recently resumed working again on this library), I will definitely tag a new release as soon as I think it's ready. Also, I'm evaluating a switch to a promise-based interface or postpone the decision for a future release.

@nrk Hi there! Any updates about that? It seems tagged versions require ext-phpiredis, but master does not, could we have new tagged stable without required ext-phpiredis?

any news about that ? because with project under predis 1.x there is conflict with other lib (last SncRedisBundle)

this is the only dev-master we are using right now, We'd love to see a stable tag

guys, any news regarding version support?

Been using the dev-master on production for roughly 6-10 months now without issues. 👍

But definitely would love to see a stable release, if possible.

Abam commented

No Estimated Time of Arrival for the next stable release ?

@nrk Any updates on this?

React just release 0.5 which includes breaking changes and predis-async no longer working, need to lock install for 0.4 for now