
`Failed to process project graph` with multiple apps starting in parrallel

Lonli-Lokli opened this issue · 1 comments


Current Behavior

So I was working on PoC for promoting Nx and find out that if you have multiple apps (in my case 3 - React - Vite, Angular - EsBuild, Vue - Vite) command to run them in parallel ends with this error

nx run-many -t serve -p shell react-app angular-app vue-app

Expected Behavior

No errors

GitHub Repo

No response

Steps to Reproduce

Create a monorepo with multiple apps, try to start them all on different ports

Nx Report

Latest 19.0.3

Failure Logs


### Package Manager Version

_No response_

### Operating System

- [ ] macOS
- [ ] Linux
- [X] Windows
- [ ] Other (Please specify)

### Additional Information

_No response_

I think it's related to this #18962 (comment)