
Loading other libraries in a worker thread

cskiwi opened this issue · 2 comments

cskiwi commented

Current Behavior


I'm trying to offload some excel processing to a separate worker thread so the main thread isn't blocked
I got the worker working, but I need access to another library @badman/backend-database however this is

Expected Behavior

That it's able to resolve the library

GitHub Repo

No response

Steps to Reproduce

All files below are in the library /libs/backend/ranking/

  1. have a worker.ts:
async function run() {
  if (isMainThread) {
    throw new Error('This script should be run as a worker thread');
  const app = await NestFactory.createApplicationContext(ProcessRankingModule);
  const updateRankingService = app.get(UpdateRankingService);

  1. config.ts
import path from 'path';
const workerThreadFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'dist/libs/backend/ranking/src/worker/process-ranking.js');
export default workerThreadFilePath;
  1. call the worker:
const worker = new Worker(workerThreadFilePath, {
  workerData: {
    // data

worker.on('message', () => {
worker.on('error', (e) => {
  return this._logger.error('on error', e, e.message);
worker.on('exit', (code) => this._logger.log('on exit', code));

the UpdateRankingService includes some models from @badman/backend-database

this throws:

[Badman] - 12/13/2024, 2:52:15 PM   ERROR [Cannot find module '@badman/backend-database'
Require stack:
- <repo>\dist\libs\backend\ranking\src\services\calculation\calculation.service.js
- <repo>\dist\libs\backend\ranking\src\services\calculation\index.js
- <repo>\dist\libs\backend\ranking\src\services\index.js
- <repo>\dist\libs\backend\ranking\src\worker\process-ranking.js] on error - {
  stack: [
      code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
      requireStack: [
  appname: 'api',
  version: '6.174.5'
} +2s

Nx Report

NX   Report complete - copy this into the issue template

Node           : 21.7.2
OS             : win32-x64
Native Target  : x86_64-windows
bun            : 1.1.34

nx                 : 20.1.3
@nx/js             : 20.1.3
@nx/jest           : 20.1.3
@nx/eslint         : 20.1.3
@nx/workspace      : 20.1.3
@nx/angular        : 20.1.3
@nx/devkit         : 20.1.3
@nx/eslint-plugin  : 20.1.3
@nx/nest           : 20.1.3
@nx/node           : 20.1.3
@nx/playwright     : 20.1.3
@nx/vite           : 20.1.3
@nx/web            : 20.1.3
@nx/webpack        : 20.1.3
typescript         : 5.5.4
Registered Plugins:
Community plugins:
@auth0/auth0-angular : 2.2.3
apollo-angular       : 7.2.1
ng-apexcharts        : 1.12.0
ng-process-env       : 16.0.6
ngxtension           : 3.5.5

Failure Logs

Package Manager Version

No response

Operating System

  • macOS
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Other (Please specify)

Additional Information

I tried defining an additional entry point in my project.json. but that didn't make any difference

cskiwi commented

Did some further investigation and found that working with normal tsconfig paths it does work

Working example:
Not working example:

Fixed by doing this: #7123 (comment)