
OpenC2 Interfaces for Walkoff for Command & Control

sparrell opened this issue · 0 comments

OpenC2 is a developing standard for command & control (C2) of security technologies. It began as an NSA industry forum (https://openc2.org) and now has an OASIS Technical Committee (https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/openc2/). Similar to STIX (see issue #24), it helps in modularization and standardization with external entities. Walkoff is the 'Decision-Making" of the IACD Sensing/Sense-Making/Decision-Making/Acting and OpenC2 is for the Decision Making to Acting interface (ie executing the playbooks).

Various open source libraries - some maintained by NSA in https://github.com/oasis-open?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=openc2