Errors after Toolbox initiation
bcane98 opened this issue · 5 comments
I am working on a HP Z230 standalone with 8GB RAM and plenty of HDD space, but I just can't get around this initial error when I launch the Toolbox:
Importing the PowerShell module for Microsoft Deployment Toolkit. Please wait...
Updating the MDT Deployment Share. Please wait...
Update-MDTDeploymentShare : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
At C:\SHB\Toolbox\CaptureSHBRef.ps1:100 char:1
- Update-MDTDeploymentShare -path "$SHBDSID`:" -Force >$null
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Update-MDTDeploymentShare], TargetInvocationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException,Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn.UpdateDeploymentPoint
Creating virtual network switch. Please wait...
VSwitch check #1
Virtual switch SHBInternalNetwork created successfully.
Assigning static IP address to the virtual network adapter. Please wait...
A connectuion to the reployment share (\\SHB-DEP$) couls not be made.
DHCP Lease was not obtained for any Networking device! Possible Cause: Check physical connection.
Retry or Cancel.... retry only repeats Error#2
Questions like this are best suited to being asked in the SHB forums where the SHB ToolBox Framework developers answer questions.
I'm pretty sure this error was reported there recently. Yep:
Unfortunately there have been no replies yet.
Are you doing this on a STIGed system? Ironically using the SHB Framework Toolbox on an STIGed system isn't supported.
Yup.. started there, that's my post, so then I turned here... I think you answered it though.
FYI, I sent the forum thread to the SHB tools team.
I'm closing this out. Feel free to re-open and comment if you don't hear from the SHB tools team.