

CarlosRupm opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi everyone!
I am working with a colleague who uses Fluent to solve Navier-Stokes and Hexpress to generate the mesh. And I need to be able to take the mesh and its solution to analyze with FEniCS.
The first problem we are having is that we can open the mesh. The program gives us two formats, .msh and .cgns.
I tried to open the .msh file with meshio.
I have two problems. If I read the original file, I get this error.

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '0.00783466630154))'
This is the last point of the mesh. If I chage this, by moving the two parentheses one space or changing lines, the command never ends.
And the other tow format (.cgns) cannot open either...

These are other formats Hexprees export


Thank you so much