
[BUG] Exodus File containing lower dimensional block fails - KeyError: 'TRUSS'

Florian-Konrad opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
Loading my exodus mesh consisting of two blocks: tetraheadral elements block and 1D lower dimensional block
--> causes KeyError: 'TRUSS'

To Reproduce
I attached a small exodus mesh that can be opened in paraview and works perfectly in moose framework but can not be opened with meshio:

pip freeze | grep meshio

I'm encountering these kinds of mixed dimensional meshes regularily in the context of porous flow and geothermal reservoir simulations. 2D lower dimensional blocks representing fault-planes as triangular meshes work fine together with meshio. I only get the error wenn adding a 1D block.

can this be fixed by just adding
to exodus_to_meshio_type dictionary?

I also found there are more element types than just TRUSS that seem to end up as EDGE2 elements in libmesh:

Would it make sense to add those missing as well:

I think I encountered EDGE2 before and couldn't load it into meshio!

How is this element type information preserved when storing the exodus mesh with meshio?
Cant find a better source but seems like these element types have an effect on degrees of freedom (edit: at least in some software codes, moose doesn't distinguish):