
Research testing part

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • Testing and test files location

  • E2E Testing and test files location

  • Code coverage and code quality

  • jtest

  • jtest code coverage

  • location of file per component

  • e2e? nightwatch, cypress, pupeeter

Since we had a lot of practice with unit testing and vue my recommendation would be:

  • vue test utils
  • jest
  • test files should be located next to file (xy.js and xy.spec.js) as this will force us to cretae js files for specific purpose
  • automatic code coverage (codecov)
  • automatic code quality (codebeat)


Did you use end to end testing tools?

Not that much in Chameleon project.
I believe Nightwatch is recommended.

To conclude:

  • vue test utils
  • jest
  • test files should be located next to file
  • automatic code coverage (codecov) & automatic code quality (codebeat)
  • Nightwatch as end to end tool