
Changes made on source editing is not saved.

BashisthaSudeep opened this issue · 1 comments

I've added @ckeditor/ckeditor5-source-editing plugin to allow me to add some id in the content inside CK editor. These ids are used as the anchors in my frontend app.

When I update the HTML from the source editor, the update button isn't active. Even if I force update the content by changing other fields, the changes made in the source editor is lost.

Is this something intentional in CK editor? I don't think it is. And is this the correct repo to discuss this issue?


Are you sure you didn’t mix up the repository? This one is @_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor not the @ckeditor/strapi-plugin-ckeditor.
The source-editing plugin is included by default, make sure that the HTML Support plugin is configured properly.
Screencast from 28-02-24 20:24:33.webm