
Fix copyright/logo text style

MattF-NSIDC opened this issue · 9 comments

On my computer the QGreenland logo is less readable now than it was, maybe we could cut the buffer down by half or more?

Slack Message

Here's the patch to the project file after making the font changes in QGIS: https://gist.github.com/mfisher87/0d0fc7cc5cbb27c7c32474a317e0cdd0

What a mess, but I think we can extract the important parts. Search for v3.0.0 to find our copyright label.

Here's what the problem looks like

After the patch above

This minimal patch fixes it for me:

diff --git a/qgreenland.qgs b/qgreenland.qgs
index 88355e7..4dc1344 100644
--- a/qgreenland.qgs
+++ b/qgreenland.qgs
@@ -226669,10 +226669,10 @@ https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/c4xj5rv6kv/2</abstract>
       <Enabled type="int">1</Enabled>
-      <Font type="QString">&lt;text-style>&lt;text-buffer bufferColor="250,250,250,255" bufferJoinStyle="128" bufferSize="1" bufferDraw="1" bufferSizeUnits="MM" bufferOpacity="1" bufferBlendMode="0" bufferSizeMapUnitScale="3x:0,0,0,0,0,0" bufferNoFill="1"/>&lt;/text-style></Font>
+      <Font type="QString">&lt;text-style fontFamily="Open Sans" namedStyle="Regular">&lt;text-buffer bufferColor="250,250,250,255" bufferJoinStyle="128" bufferSize="1" bufferDraw="1" bufferSizeUnits="MM" bufferOpacity="1" bufferBlendMode="0" bufferSizeMapUnitScale="3x:0,0,0,0,0,0" bufferNoFill="1"/>&lt;/text-style></Font>
       <Label type="QString">QGreenland v3.0.0rc1 © NSIDC 2023
 https://qgreenland.org | https://github.com/nsidc/qgreenland/</Label>
-      <MarginH type="int">0</MarginH>
+      <MarginH type="int">1</MarginH>
       <MarginV type="int">0</MarginV>
       <Placement type="int">0</Placement>
@@ -226691,8 +226691,8 @@ https://qgreenland.org | https://github.com/nsidc/qgreenland/</Label>
       <Enabled type="int">1</Enabled>
       <ImagePath type="QString">qgreenland.png</ImagePath>
-      <MarginH type="int">4</MarginH>
-      <MarginV type="int">8</MarginV>
+      <MarginH type="int">1</MarginH>
+      <MarginV type="int">12</MarginV>
       <Placement type="int">0</Placement>
       <Size type="int">24</Size>

Here's what it looks like if we switch to bold, I think this is my favorite:

This text does open at a fairly big size in my window. The size can be controlled by zoomining in/out with the "Magnifier", but I remember in Denmark we have a number of folks with computers that open this quite big. We might want to default on a slightly smaller size.

I think it might be opening at different sizes on different computers because those computers have different system fonts. This is a total guess. In addition to the changes to specify Open Sans Regular above, we can also explicitly set the font to 12pt and that should give a consistent small-but-readable experience on all systems. I think :)

We can test by uploading a qgreenland.qgs file to GitHub, and you can replace yours with that one and see what it looks like.



You'll have to unzip it, as GitHub only supports certain filetypes.

Twila tested, looks good!

EDIT: Trey tested, looks good