
Use rekor client library from upstream

Closed this issue · 4 comments

We have a home brew rekor client library as we just need to hit two API endpoints and we keep the data in a pretty unstructured format when passing it on to the Rego policies. That said, it might be better to use if the upstream rekor client library if we can.


Ah sure ! Thank you for this @nsmith5. Would you mind assigning it to me then I'll start working on it ASAP (tonight 🥳) I'd love to help when I found a chances like this.😍

Yup, can you point me to the client library you're talking about? I found some client code in the rekor repo but it was pretty dense and importantly it was strongly typed which doesn't work well with Rego policy.

I don't know that this makes sense to me to be honest. It pulls in a lot of dependencies without a clear benefit in my eyes. Closing for now