
Log results in different files

Regala opened this issue · 6 comments

Currently the output is logged into one file which we can specify with the "-o" flag. Ideally, we could use that same flag and two different files would be generated: one with the results from subdomains another with cloud storage results. The names could be pre-appended with the parameter from the output flag.

This would make much easier to parse results from the tool and integration into different workflows.


Use the '-cop' or '--cloudop' with file name to save the results.

Just to expand on this, would also be nice to have a third output file for GitHub secrets, maybe -gop ?

Sure @wingzRED. Will add it by this weekend.

@wingzRED Made changes to the latest version. Please check!!

Yeah confirmed its working, cheers @nsonaniya2010 !

Thanks for the confirmation!!